Tuesday, May 13, 2014


So, I tried to finance my new car through my current bank.

They counter offered me $6,350. Nowhere NEAR what I need for this car, but that was their MAX loan. I wanted to cry. No, scratch that, I did cry. My debt to income DOES look bad, so it's not like I don't understand, but $20,000 in school loans, plus $1200 on a credit card (I keep paying it off, then keep adding back to it, it's still interest free so, yeah) does make me look like I'm like, 90% leveraged. But, I make good money. I know exactly what I can pay per month.

Apparently, they think I can only pay $119 a month. I budgeted $300, with an extra $100 to pay it off sooner. With all my other payments, I will still have $100 a month to play with, until August, then it increases to $400 a month extra. I guess I should have added the hubs to my loan app, but, he makes less than me with more debt... he helps pay for food and rent though, so, yeah. That's probably where I screwed up. On paper it looks like I pay all of our $925 rent by myself.

ANYWAYS, my mom cosigned for me. We'll see what happens, they have to get a decision from their underwriters and I should hear back today or tomorrow. Probably tomorrow since it was so late when we got our application in.

I wish I didn't have to rely so much on my parents. I feel bad that mom has to drive all the way up here (one and a half hours for her) just to sign a loan for me. I'm supposed to be an adult.

Read the rest of this rant in my "CarMax - Thoughts" post. My bank just sucks.

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